Exercise Physiology
At Maddington Physiotherapy Centre, we have an extensive on-site exercise rehabilitation gymnasium. Our gymnasium differs from your standard commercial gymnasium, as it is specifically set up for the treatment and rehabilitation of our patients.
- Supervised gym rehabilitation
- Fall prevention programs
- Gym memberships
- Pilates and Clinical Pilates instruction
- Pilates Reformers
Benefits from Diabetes Exercise Class
- Help lower blood glucose
- Insulin to work better
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce risk of heart disease
- Improve wellbeing
Is also beneficial to people suffering chronic diseases such as:
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
Classes offer resistant training combined with a cardiovascular workout. Can also help with muscle injuries. Run by qualified Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists. Private Health rebates apply.